BarnDoor Laundry Set

BarnDoor Laundry Set
MAX | OBJ | TEX | 3D Models | 35.03 MB

BarnDoor Laundry Set

Washer Gorenje WA72SY2W
Dryer Gorenje D74SY2W

Racking on wheels CB2 Go-Cart Carbon Five-Shelf Bookcase (W 36cm x D 60cm x H 190cm)

Barn door (W 110cm x H 210cm) in three colors. To change the color, you need to reassign all the wooden elements to the Meterial Id:
# 1 – white paint with metal scuffs
# 2 – even white paint
# 3 – unpainted wood
Also, you can apply absolutely any material of the tree (the texture coordinates of the Real-World Scale)

Niche size W 100cm x D 70cm x H 200cm

Polys: 332,876
Verts: 364,847

In the archive, the 3ds max 2014 scene and the obj file. Materials for Corona.
For near angles, you can throw Turbosmooth on the wheels of the rack

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