CGAxis Models Volume 52 3D Supermarket II

CGAxis Models Volume 52 3D Supermarket II
CGAxis Models Volume 52 3D Supermarket II
max | obj | fbx | c4d | 3D Models | 1.48 GB

In this collection you can find many useful 3d models of shop and supermarket equipment. It contains 25 highly detailed models.

Each of them is mapped and textured if diffuse, bump or reflect map are used. Others have prepared materials with diffuse color and reflect set properly.
Materials are prepared for 3ds max 2010 or higher (VRay, Mental Ray, Scanline) and Cinema 4D 11 or higher (Advanced Renderer, VRay). You can also download this collection in FBX and OBJ file formats in which models are also mapped.

CGAxis Models Volume 52 3D Supermarket II is perfect if you are going to make a project of big store or supermarket scene. It is also very useful beacuse all models are similar and are prepared to easily and quickly connect them with each other. You can find in it 3D models like: market shelfs with wafers, coffees, teas, sweets and cookies, nuts, potato chips, canned tomatos, milk and many others, you can also find t-shirts, sweaters on hangers and market fridges.

Textures: Yes
Materials: Yes


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