Chandelier Gallotti & Radice Bolle horizontal big

Chandelier Gallotti & Radice Bolle horizontal big
MAX | FBX | TEX | 3D Models | 13.84 MB

Chandelier Gallotti & Radice Bolle horizontal big

Chandelier Bolle horizontal is suitable for the living room and dining room and bedroom. It can also be used in the kitchen and in the lobby, or in public areas. (bar, cafe, restaurant, club) For interiors in a modern style, a loft, and for interiors with a modern classic style.
Polys: 56,872
Verts: 53,374
-max 2014 corona
-fbx corona
The model is designed for smoothing, so you can control the density of the grid for a particular frame. The anti-aliasing modifier is turned on (display in the viewport – 0 iterations, on the render 1 iteration).

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