Decor shelf set 10

Decor shelf set 10
MAX | FBX | TEX | 3D Models | 26.49 MB
Decor shelf set 10
Decorative set for filling shelves with H&M and Zara Home items.
Cement base lamp Zara ART. 8341/047
Decorative egg made of marble Zara ART. 6365/043
Scented candle in H&M ceramics Art. No. 0894461001
Tall Stoneware Candlestick H&M Art.0954155001
Polys: 40667
Verts: 21263
The model is partially for anti-aliasing (turbothsmooth when rendering). In the export file, the model is without anti-aliasing.
The archive contains files 3dsMax 2013, FBX and all textures.