DigitalXModels 3D Model Collection Volume 26: VENDING MACHINES

DigitalXModels 3D Model Collection Volume 26: VENDING MACHINES
Native: 3ds Max 9 | Universal: .3ds, .obj, .fbx | Textures included | Materials Included | 3D Models | 152 MB

Is it not inevitable that when you stand in front of an ATM, you feel incredibly vulnerable? All of a sudden your radius for personal space blows up to 30 feet! Oh well… that’s life these days. At least that doesn’t happen when you just want to get a snack from a vending machine. Can you picture it? “Hey man, back off! I’m getting a bag of chips here!” And he’s all covering up the numbers as he punches them in. Avoid confrontation in your life. Use the 24 3D models in this collection and get in touch with your personal space.

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