EVERMOTION – Archmodels vol. 255

EVERMOTION – Archmodels vol. 255
MAX | FBX | OBJ | C4D | 3D Models | 10.31 GB
EVERMOTION – Archmodels vol. 255
Home / Greenery & Plants / Archmodels vol. 255
SPECIAL BONUS: if you purchase MAX format you will get COVER SCENE prepared for Corona 5 with 3ds max 2014 and Forest Pack 6.3.1.
Archmodels vol. 255 includes 60 professional, high quality 3d assets. We included 40 trees models for architectural visualizations, 7 scanned high quality bark materials and 13 high quality 3d scans. These models are suited for a wide range of architectural visualizations like city trees or parks. All trees have materials applied and are ready to render. Included trees species: Castanea (chestnut), Acer (maple), Tilia (lime tree), Carpinus (hornbeam) and Poplar, each in few versions.
You can choose one of these formats: MAX, C4D or FBX & OBJ. You can also buy all of them, just select the proper options.
Presented models were rendered in V-ray with 3ds max.
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3. Unpack only the first file from each archive (the file with .001 extension). The rest of files will be unpacked automatically.
Available formats
Cinema 4D – R19
*.max – 2014 or higher
Advanced Render *.c4d
VRAYforC4D – 3.6 (not compatible with V-Ray 5 for C4D)
Corona *.max – 5
V-Ray *.max – 3.7 or higher
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