EVERMOTION – Archmodels vol. 257

EVERMOTION – Archmodels vol. 257
MAX | FBX | OBJ | C4D | 3D Models | 7.18 GB
EVERMOTION – Archmodels vol. 257
Home / Furniture / Archmodels vol. 257
SPECIAL BONUS: if you purchase MAX format you will get two cover scenes prepared for V-ray 3.6 with 3dsmax 2014.
Archmodels vol. 257 includes 40 professional, high quality 3d sets of modern furniture. This collection consists of sofas sets along with many smaller props. Sets are perfect for furnishing home or office interiors. All models are fully textured and prepared for use in high quality architectural visualizations.
You can choose one of these formats: MAX, C4D or FBX & OBJ. You can also buy all of them, just select the proper options.
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Presented models were rendered in V-ray with 3ds max.
To unpack files download free 7-Zip file archiver.
The files are packed into 7zip format, you need to follow these steps to extract them properly:
1. Download all files to one folder
2. Use WinRAR or 7-zip for unpacking.
3. Unpack only the first file from each archive (the file with .001 extension). The rest of the files will be unpacked automatically.
Available formats
Cinema 4D – R19
*.max – 2014 or higher
Advanced Render *.c4d
VRAYforC4D – 3.6 (not compatible with V-Ray 5 for C4D)
V-Ray *.max – 3.6 or higher
Corona *.max – 5
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https://nitro.download/view/2DB3678E67FDBD9/lo. Rapidgator