Floor gres Pebble Fragment B & W MARBLE set 3

Floor gres Pebble Fragment B & W MARBLE set 3
MAX | OBJ | MTL | TEX | 3D Models | 84.41 MB
Floor gres Pebble Fragment B & W MARBLE set 3
Factory: Floorgres
Collection: B & W_Marble
Name: Pebble, Fragment
-Modulo muretto sfalsato 30×30
-Mosaico 7.5×7.5 30×30
-Mosaico 3×3 30×30
-40×80 / 60×120 (32 pcs)
-120×280 (8 pcs)
-120х240 (8 pcs)
-160×320 (4 pcs)
-60×60 / 80×80 / 120×120 (16 pcs)
-Finished layouts of a mosaic ~ 3000×3000 mm
-Material was created without plugins using CoronaMultiMap (analogue of MultiTexture)
-Textures are ready to use with MultiTexture.
Requires a minimum of Corona 3 to open
3DS MAX2016 + Corona4 + OBJ + MTL