H & M Decorative bathroom set

H & M Decorative bathroom set
MAX | FBX | TEX | 3D Models | 187.7 MB

H & M Decorative bathroom set

Sink-bowl Kartell by LAUFEN – https://www.laufen.ru/category/solutions/total-bathroom-sets/kartell-by-laufen/shell- bowl-812331

Polys: 336 197
Verts: 350,784

Max file – 41 Mb

M 1: 1
Units: mm

All objects in the scene are logically named.
and grouped and have
own material of the same name / Multi / sub-object.

The archive files max_2014 (Corona + Vray), FBX (Corona + Vray).
In max files, most objects with smoothing during rendering
(MeshSmooth Render Iters).

On the preview of CORONA.
Who works in the V-Ray version lower than 3.1, be careful
in the materials in the BRDF section is Microfaset GTR (GGX),
if your version is older than 3.1, then the BRDF field will be empty.
Choose Blinn, Phong or Ward.

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