IKEA corner workplace with ALEX table and ALEFJALL chair

IKEA corner workplace with ALEX table and ALEFJALL chair
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IKEA corner workplace with ALEX table and ALEFJALL chair
IKEA corner workplace with ALEX table and ALEFJALL chair:
LINNMON / ALEX Table, white, 59×29 1/2 ”
ALEX Desk, white, 51 5 / 8×23 5/8 ”
ALEFJALL Office chair, Grann beige
LACK Side table, white, 21 5 / 8×21 5/8 ”
EKET Cabinet with 4 compartments, white, 27 1 / 2×13 3 / 4×27 1/2 ”
INGARED Table lamp with LED bulb, beige, 11 3/4 ”
SKARIG Wall clock, 10 ¼ ”