Industrial ceiling, Ducting, Lighting, CAC, CCTV

Industrial ceiling, Ducting, Lighting, CAC, CCTV
MAX | OBJ | TEX | 3D Models | 66.84 MB

Industrial ceiling, Ducting, Lighting, CAC, CCTV

Industrial ceiling assembly kit.
Made for corona render 1.5 and vray 3.2. Suitable for visualization of industrial facilities, hypermarkets, gyms, offices and other industrial and commercial premises. Easy snapping on auxiliary objects. Helper objects are excluded from rendering.
The set includes:
FLOS Infra-Structure luminaires;
air conditioner Hitachi Silent Iconic;
Hanwha XNP-6040H surveillance camera;
fire extinguishing system with sprinklers;
ventilation ducts.
Suspended metal panels.
All materials have unique and logical names, combined in a Multi / Sub object and assigned to objects.
The vray materials are configured properly.
In vray version, BRDF materials are installed in Microfacet GTR / GGX, vray 2.4 owners need to install BRDF in Blinn. For Corona render, it is recommended to install a version not lower than 1.5, since the glossiness of the materials is adjusted taking into account PBR.

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