Modern residential building 04

Modern residential building 04
MAX | FBX | TEX | 3D Models | 144.64 MB
Modern residential building 04
The archive contains model of a modern residential building.
The buildings elements (outside walls, interior walls, balconies, glass panels, windows, roof, chimneys, sills, railings) are 3D models
Interiors are 3-dimensional (walls) with various objects as textures on planes (people, furniture, curtians, plants, lamps).
Three sides of the building are modeled.
Main elements are different, separate meshes (walls, windows, interior plants / furniture / lamps, roof, blinds, railings, metal frames)
Units in centimeters.
No third-party plugin or script required.
All textures and materials visible on the previews are included.
Polys: 248,919
Verts: 478,118
height: 2860 cm
width: 4040 cm
3ds max file version 2015
Corona renderer 6
Fbx / obj export file version 2014/2015 (geometry only)
Renderings with little color post-production.