Plant collection 813. Banana, olive, Rapis, Alocasia, bushes, palm tree, black pot, interior, decorative, flower, pot, plants

Plant collection 813. Banana, olive, Rapis, Alocasia, bushes, palm tree, black pot, interior, decorative, flower, pot, plants
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Plant collection 813. Banana, olive, Rapis, Alocasia, bushes, palm tree, black pot, interior, decorative, flower, pot, plants

Ornamental plants for outdoor and interior in black pots.
exotic plants
Tropical plants
Decorative flower pot
Ornamental trees and bushes
Olea europaea – European olive, Olive
banana palm – Banana palm
Ravenala madagascariensis – Ravenala
Strelitzia – Strelitzia
Howea forsteriana – Hovea, Kentia
Date palm
Raphis Palm, Rhapis excelsa – Raphis bamboo palm
Alocasia – Alocasia
Banana, olive, Rapis, Alocasia, bushes, palm tree, black pot, interior, decorative, flower, pot, plants

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