Rimadesio moon

Rimadesio moon
MAX | OBJ | TEX | 3D Models | 5.71 MB

Rimadesio moon

Highly detailed 3D model of Rimadesio Moon in four sizes.
Door leaf dimensions – 610 mm / 710 mm / 810 mm / 910 mm
Formats: 3d Max 2015 / OBJ / Corona / Vray Next
For the OBJ format, materials are separately stored in the Materials folder under Vray and Corona.
Model, materials and layers have their logical names.
Additional plugins were not used.
For the Vray version lower than the Next version, in the materials, in the BRDF section the value Microfacet GTR (GGX) is set.
If you use a version of Vray below 3.0, set the value manually to Blinn, Phong or Ward, otherwise this field will remain empty, which will negatively affect the appearance of the material.

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