Autumn Ash | Ash-tree autumn # 1_2 (13.1-18.2m)

Autumn Ash | Ash-tree autumn # 1_2 (13.1-18.2m)
MAX | FBX | TEX | 3D Models | 121.6 MB

Autumn Ash | Ash-tree autumn # 1_2 (13.1-18.2m)

There are 3 autumn trees in the scene.

Height 13.1 – 18.2 m

Total number of polygons: 3 334 411

Leaves using opacity. Displacement is enabled by default. When using a tree in the background, it is recommended to disable it.

Summer options for these trees:

In the archive:

3ds max (Corona_2013)
3ds max (Box_V-ray_2013)
Corona mat
V-ray mat
Fbx (corona)

In the V-ray file there are only 3 cubes with materials. V-ray users are advised to pipet the material from the cube and assign it to the model.

Have a nice use!

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