SNOP Streetlamps System Set-2

SNOP Streetlamps System Set-2
MAX | FBX | TEX | 3D Models | 11.27 MB

SNOP Streetlamps System Set-2

SNOP Streetlamps System
Designer Mike Kozlovsky
Degree of protection IP65.
Color: aluminum, black.
* Each lamp is assembled into a separate group. Similar objects are cloned as “Instance”.
* The pivot of each lamp is in the center of the object at the bottom point (coordinate Z = 0).
* Most of the objects are made for subsequent mesh smoothing.
* The stack of modifiers of objects in “.max” files is not collapsed.
* For close views, if there are not many lampposts, it is recommended to use the default models.
* For distant or medium views, it is recommended to disable mesh smoothing (TurboSmooth modifier).
* To drastically reduce the detail and reduce the load on the computer, you can turn off the VRayLightMtl (diode material) or remove the diodes, replacing them with a regular VRayLight.
– 3ds Max 2015 (Vray 3.60.03)
– 3ds Max 2012 (Vray 3.60.03)
– 3ds Max 2015 (Corona 2.0)
– 3ds Max 2012 (Corona 2.0)
– .mat material library (Vray, Corona)
High-resolution renderings are available at the link in the model comment.

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