Unity Asset Store Horizon Based Ambient Occlusion

Unity Asset Store Horizon Based Ambient Occlusion
Unity | VFX | 7.38 MB

Horizon Based Ambient Occlusion (HBAO) is a post processing image effect to use in order to add realism to your scenes. It helps accentuating small surface details and reproduce light attenuation due to occlusion.

HBAO delivers more accurate AO compared to the other SSAO solutions available on the asset store, and this without any compromise on performances.

This algorithm is highly optimized to use minimal GPU time and offers the best quality to performance ratio.

With Color Bleeding feature. HBAO is Gaia extension ready.

HBAO is compatible with both forward and deferred rendering, and artifact free with forward rendered SpeedTrees and foliage. Source code included in the package.

The effect is scalable in order to achieve the proper performances.

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